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GOBLiiiNS5 - L'Invasion des Morglotons

Une grande aventure en 2d pour tous les âges. 16 gros niveaux bourrés d'énigmes.  Versions française et anglaise.

Démo jouable gratuite. Jeu complet à 10 euros.

Versions allemandes, espagnoles, russes prévues.


 Le jeu est composé de 4 exécutables séparés. Les 4 zips doivent être décompactés dans des dossiers différents. Le fichier winsetup.exe permet de configurer le jeu, le mettre en fenêtré (windowed mode) ou en plein écran. Et de choisir la langue, français (Game Default) ou anglais.  Si Windows refuse de lancer l'exécutable, cliquez sur "Informations complémentaires", puis sur "Exécuter quand même".

A great adventure in 2d for all ages. 16 big levels full of puzzles. French and english versions.

Free playable demo. Full game for 11 dollars.

German, Spanish, Russian versions planned.


 The game consists of 4 separate executables. The 4 zips must be unpacked in different folders. The winsetup.exe file allows you to configure the game, windowed it (windowed mode) or full screen. And choose language, French (Game Default) or English.  If Windows refuses to run the executable, click "Additional Information", then "Run Anyway".

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(35 total ratings)
AuthorPierre Gilhodes
Tags2D, Funny, Pixel Art, Singleplayer


Buy Now$11.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $11 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Gobliiins5.zip 386 MB

Download demo

Gobliiins5-Part1.zip 74 MB


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(1 edit) (+1)

Est-ce que des gens ont réussit à faire tourner le jeu sous Linux  (Sans machine virtuelle, genre avec Wine/Proton/Lutris) ?
(Steam à l'air de le faire mais j'ai pas acheté le jeu sur Steam :/ )

(1 edit)

Edit : j'ai finalement réussis à faire tourner le jeu avec steam (en important le winesetup sur la bibliothèque steam, et en forçant l'utilisation de Proton-8) mais le jeu crash systématiquement à la fin du tableau 4, si quelqu'un a une solution...

Hello, malgré le message d'erreur, la première partie est finie, il faut lancer la partie 2. Le jeu est en 4 exe.

(1 edit)

Merci effectivement ça marche !
(Vu que yavait pas de tableau à charger, je m'étais dis que ça n'avait pas prit en compte la progression, mais en fait il fallait cliquer sur "jouer" tout bêtement).

Gobliiins 5 fonctionne parfaitement avec ScummVM : https://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php?title=Gobliiins_5

Udělal jsem Češtinu, víc info najdete na youtube když si vyhledáte: GOBLiiiNS 5 The Morgloton Invasion - Česky.

Grand fan!

J'ai suivis une bonne partie de tes jeux depuis gobliiins 1 jusqu'au 3 en passant par Woodruff qui était super cool, et là j'apprends qu'il existe un gobliiins 5! Je sais sur quoi je vais passer mon week end :D

Au passage félicitation pour ton travail sur gobliiins 3, j'ai du le faire plusieurs fois sur mon vieux pc. J'ai découverts la série sur le cd éducatif d'ADI y a une vingtaine d'années de ça mais cette version n'avait ni doublages ni musiques. Mais le style visuel très atypique qui transpire le fait maison m'a complètement vendu le truc.


Merci pour tes encouragements ! J'espère que Gobliiins5 te plaira. Le suivant est commencé, Gobliins6, qui est la suite de Gobliins2. Il y aura un crowdfunding dans quelques temps. Pierre

Génial ! Perso je viens tout juste de démarrer Goblins 3 sur mon Amiga 1200... Je n'en reviens pas que j'étais passé à côté à l'époque, alors que Gob 2 était un de mes titres préférés. Je suis sûr que mes gamins vont bien rigoler ! Merci de continuer ton taf, vraiment unique :)

(1 edit)

Many thanks to the makers of ScummVM! 

I think ScummVM is now WinXP compatible again. 

Today I downloaded the windows-x86-stable-ebe01ad0.zip 

and the win9x-stable-ebe01ad0.zip from 


I can now play GOBLiiiNS5 with both versions of ScummVM. 

And hopefully many more games.

(5 edits)

A very nice game, and the artwork is gorgeous! :)
As someone who developed some games in AGS I have some feedback:

1. I find the in-game text font to be too big, and sometimes less convenient to read on bright backgrounds - making it a little smaller and perhaps adding a shadow or a thicker stroke to it would make the reading experience much better.

2. Many of the characters' gibberish voices are just too high in pitch to the ear, that I prefer to play the game with no sound at all. It may not be of a problem to some people, but for those who can't bear high-pitch sounds, this may be troublesome - I wish the good old gibberish voices from the floppy versions of Gobliiins 1, 2 and 3 were used instead.

3.  The inventory window triggering area is too big - I find myself triggering it ON unintendedly when I try to look for hot-spots at the 1/3 top of the screen - according to what I checked, it is triggered when the mouse cursor is reaching the 67px on the Y axis. Cutting this value in about a half would make a better playing experience.

As for bug report:
I wish to report of an AGS crash bug right after the newspaper scene of the recovered king. Error message is: "Unable to create local script: Runtime error: unresolved import 'ShellExecute'. I'm using the PC version that I bought here on itch, running under Windows 11 on ARM in Parallels Desktop on my Macbook Air M1. I finished the level twice to confirm that this bug occurs all the time.

Hello! Thank you for your feedback. I would like to consider your message for the next game but it is not always possible and it is already well started.
 I am not a programmer and I use a tool that I cannot completely parameterize.  Triggering the inventory, for example, I agree with you, but impossible to find how to change it, I would nevertheless ask on the forum.

 The font size seems good to me, given the size of the screen, however, I do not have the possibility to change the outline of the letters.
 Sorry for the high voices, I never thought that it generated some players, I have not yet had this criticism. I would try to be a little careful from now on... But it will remain gnomes with small voices anyway.

 For the bug, it’s the same, it’s a problem that I can not do again, impossible to know what is the cause. A bientôt   Pierre

Hi Pierre,

First I wish to say that it's a great honor to receive a message from you. :) I grew up on your Goblins series.

Forgive me if I was too technical - I thought you're familiar with the AGS engine.

To make the inventory window appear when hovering with the mouse cursor more closer to the top, you just have to edit the inventory GUI under the GUIs section, and to decrease the 'PopupYPos' property value. For example: if you set it to 1 then it will show up only when the mouse cursor's Y position is equal to 1 from the top (relative to the game resolution of course). If you set it to 10 then it will show up when the mouse cursor's Y position is less or equal the 10th pixel from the top.

Regarding the font - the font style is really a matter of taste. But adding more thickness to the outilne would surely make a huge difference.

As for the voices - making the voices lower in pitch would make them less "screaming" to the ears. But of couse this is a matter of taste as well. I only shared my feedback. :)

About the crash bug - forgive me but I'm not sure if you mean that it happens on your end too, or that you cannot reproduce it. I tried to re-play the entire level from the beginning and the game just crashed the same as it did in the first time. So I actually can't proceed any further in chapter 1.

Hello! I changed the height of the appearance of the inventory... But suddenly, I no longer had the name of the objects that appeared...    PG

(3 edits)

Hi :) Oh, did you change the actual inventory window height? If so then the items' labels probably get cut off if there is not enough space. What I meant is to set the 'PopupYPos' property of the inventory GUI with a lower number, so the inventory window will show when you hover a little higher with the mouse; you can keep the inventory window at the same size as it was before where text showed correctly.

Yeah, I did like that. I didn’t touch the inventory.

(4 edits)

Seems official supported by ScummVM now with the support level "Excellent":



So you can play it on Linux, Mac OS, Wii, Android, iOS ... too

And: You can save and load whenever you want!

(3 edits)

Bonjour, je suis un baker sur Ulule. J'aurais aimé, pour plus de facilité, pouvoir disposer du jeu sur cette plateforme. Voici mon identifiant : **********************.

En espérant que cela soit possible.

Merci d'avance.

Je t'envoie ça. A bientôt  Pierre

Bien reçu.

Merci beaucoup Pierre.

Hello, I am backer of this game on Ulule. How can I download this game from here?

Hello, tell me your nickname on Ulule, I’ll send you a key.


Anyway, I think it would work with Win7.

I believe that too. But I need games that work with Windows XP. Do you remember? Windows XP is older than Windows 7. :)))

I am trying to start the demo version of the game using Wine 1.6.2 but it does not work. Do I need at least Windows 7 for Gobliiins5 ? My Wine installation simulates Windows XP. I'm not sure if I can change anything in GGOB5 setup so that the game will run on my system. *?

(1 edit) (+1)

You should try running it with ScummVM ( https://www.scummvm.org/ ), the demo has been reported to work with version 2.7.1
No need for Wine.

ScummVM does not work for me. But Wine.

My computer is from 2007 with 2GB RAM
and I am using MX-15 Debian Jessie 32 bit.
The graphics card is normally Nvidia GeForce GT 730
from 2014. I use the open source driver Nouveau 1.0.12.
In case you're wondering what I can play with my computer...

I have more than 200 games on GOG that I can play with it.
Among them for example Anno 1404, Tropico 3, The Guild 2,
Banished, Botanicula, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl,
7.62 and Shadowrun Returns.

But GOBLiiiNS5 does not work. *?

(2 edits)

As far as I know Gobliiins 5 uses a recent version of AGS (https://www.adventuregamestudio.co.uk/) which requires at least Windows Vista, so it's probably impossible to run it with Wine simulating XP. Since Vista is older than your computer, maybe you can set up Wine to Vista-level compatibility and try again.

As for ScummVM, it works fine on my computer with an even older GTS 450, but I'm on Windows and I haven't tried this game. ScummVM devs don't provide builds for Jessie, though. Maybe it's still possible to compile your own, You can get some help on ScummVM's forum, Discord server or IRC channel.

If running a Linux build of ScummVM on your machine is really not possible, you could try running the Win95 build of ScummVM in Wine and hope AGS is supported on this build.

Alternatively, it might be possible to use the Linux port of the AGS engine although its requirement may be too high for Jessie (https://github.com/adventuregamestudio/ags/blob/master/debian/README.md).

Anyway, I don't know if any of this will work but, if your current setup fails, it's worth considering.

Where can I find a Win95 build of the ScummVM?


It's here https://www.scummvm.org/downloads/#release but I have no idea how good it'll run with Wine

The game...

Where Did the Humans Go

...uses the current version 3.6 of AGS.
The Linux version of the game works for me.


Could you explain better what do you mean with "ScummVM does not work for me"? You should be able to compile your own build following the wiki instructions https://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php?title=Compiling_ScummVM/GCC

That will not work.

Debian Jessie is more comparable to Ubuntu 14.


You didn't answer the question :/

Anyway it's not fair to hijack the comments for this, I suggest you visit ScummVM's forums or Discord so we can help you

Some other suggestions...

You said that you use Wine 1.6.2. That's an extremely old version of Wine (2014), even for your system. According to the builds available here, it should be possible to update to Wine 4.0.1 (released in 2019) on Jessie, which would fix a ton of bugs (e.g. this one which you encountered on another game).

You could also consider updating your OS: your version has reached it's end of life 3 years ago, and it seems newer versions of MX Linux still have very low hardware requirements.

NB: I don't recommend using the specific Wine builds that I linked. I have no idea if they are right for you or how applications are installed on your Linux distribution. However, they show that it's most likely possible to update your Wine install.

"Shadowrun Returns" has a Linux version. I don't
need Wine for that. Since I stick with glibc 2.19
and libgstreamer 0.1 I can't use
newer Wine versions.

I like my computer and my operating system.
My statement above can also be adjusted:

I have more than 300 games on GOG
that I can play with it!

(4 edits)

@Pierre Gilhodes

Why just 640x480? :(

Idea: what about resize the whole game graphics with AI tools*? They can do an excellent job on hand-painted gfx like this, so you'll be able to resize the game gfx and get rid of ugly blurried or pixelized resize on modern 1920x1080+ screen resolutions...

* a cheap experiment I did with AI Image Upscale — image resizer without losing quality - Microsoft Apps

Result (example):

Link to full res image


Have you make a mistake? Your image has a resolution of 3720x2424, is more than 14 MB in size, and slows down the page considerably for me. :-(

(2 edits)

14MB is too much for your system specs in 2023??? I re-upped the image in lowers attached + external link for full res. Of course is big since has been upscaled automatically.

Loading the Internet page takes a long time for me when such an image has to be loaded. Now your image is no longer loaded automatically.


I bought this game few month ago because i wanted to support you directly. I enjoyed playing the old games with my dad as a kid and was looking forward playing this game again with him. But he only speaks german so my question is, is there a german translation release still planned like stated in the description?

Sorry, there is no German translation in progress yet. Maybe later.    PG


Hello, there will be a German version soon.   PG

Great to hear. Keep up the good work.

Dear Pierre Gilhodes, thanks for giving birth to this new masterpiece.

Personally I belive that a future conversion on Nintendo Switch (probably more sophisticated  and  interested compared to PS and XBOX players)   would  embrace a new generation of players that actually os only focused on nonsense titles rich in gaphics and 8K renders.  This new generation of players need to discover the fashion and  the fulfilling of playability of GOBLIIINS series.

I had all the 3 chapters of GOB, included Woodruff

Also an  IOS   developement and distribution would give a new light on this important chapter of 2D adventure.

I Played a full working demo for MAC, I'm going to buy the whole game, are there any chanches I can play it with SCUMM on my apple _M1?

Thanks for all !



I haven't tested on Mac M1, but the full game works with ScummVM. Make sure to use the 2.7.1 stable version, the development version (2.8.0) currently has some problems with AGS games.

Really thanks! I bought and downloaded the full game. 

By using a MAC the only problem is I am not able to change de configuratiion to set up eng language. Probably I could do it in win and in asecond time copy and paste the folder.

Except this everithing seems working

If you choose "game options" from the ScummVM launcher you should be able to pick <default> or <english>

Hello, thank you for your encouragement! I hope there will be these ports on console, normally it is working, including for Mac.    PG

Many thanks! The Switch and other consoles version is well planned.  PG

If anyone is interested, the game works properly with the recently released version 2.7.1 of ScummVM (version 2.7.0 was affected by the infamous script error). The text display is also improved (antialiased)

Good morning. I duly bought the game here 78 days ago (I've been playing it since the first Goooblins in the 90's) but I have a problem:

i finished the first level, started the second but it never saves the game. I think it should do it automatically but it doesn't. How should I do? Playing like this is impossible! On Steam I read it works but it doesn't seem right to have to buy it again!

Thank you

You went to the "load" menu to restart the level? Either in the first page, or by clicking on the  menu icon near the inventory in the game.

Backups are done automatically at the beginning of level and stored in a Windows folder.

Hello, Pierre, i can help translate text into Russian (i'm from Russia). Our country is under sanctions, but we can try to find a way to distribute(i'm not a distributor) a game through "VK play " (a gaming network connected to a social network). I'm not profi at it, but we can try...


Your country is under sanctions for a good reason!

Hello Pierre Gilhodes, thank you for another great game, I have two questions:

have you ever considered a sequel Woodruff 2 ? I consider Woodruff as your best game, I have finished it several times and I also did translated it into Czech language, surely many people would be interested in his further fate in this post-apocalyptic world.

And second question: will there ever be translated comics "Bouzouk MegaDream Park" into English?

Hello! ... and thank you. Woodruff’s sequel is a complex project, especially for a single person... It’s not for now. I’m starting Gobliins6 for now.

 The comic Bouzouk is well translated into English. Bye     PG

Super nouvelle ! Le nombre de "i" a-t-il son importance ? J'avais un certain faible pour Winkle et Fingus.


Ce sont bien eux, ils reviennent !

Oh la la, génial !! :)

Really?! Is there the possibility of Blount's return?

4 exe différents, ce n'est pas la meilleure des idées.

Une version unique de prévue ?

Where can i find the changelog for the new version?


La nouvelle version:  Amélioration de la version anglaise.

The new version:  Improvement of the English version.

Hello! Where can I see or buy your drawings (about 150 pieces) in English and your Bozouk MegaDreamPark comic book in English? In pdf format, which you gave away for a contribution of 50€ or more on Kickstarter. The thing is, I didn't have time, only found out about the fifth game of Gobliiins now... And when is the Russian version of the game scheduled for release?

Bonjour, où puis-je voir ou acheter vos dessins (environ 150 pièces) en anglais et votre bande dessinée Bozouk MegaDreamPark en anglais ? Au format pdf, que vous avez offert pour une contribution de 50€ sur Kickstarter. Le fait est que je n'ai pas eu le temps, je n'ai découvert la cinquième partie de Gobliiins que maintenant... Quand la version russe du jeu sera-t-elle disponible ?

Où peut-on trouver la liste des changements de chaque mise à jour ? 👀

HI Pierre ! Just tried to play it under Linux (by using the Snap version of ScummVM : version 2.7.0). It worked perfectly for a couple of minutes then crashed when trying to put the trashes to the bin. (AGS script error). 

Any idea ?

I love the style & the humour Pierre, that's great ! I also have to finish Gobli(ii)ns 1 to 3 on my Amiga :)

Hi, please check here:



Hi, the game is supported in ScummVM daily builds (both master and stable)


Hi ! Thanks to both of you ! Meanwhile I compiled the stable version and commented out the culprit lines :-) So happy after all those years :)

We had a special podcast episode just about this game! Go have a listen here.

Seems like this game might be having issues with my monitor.  Sometimes after playing full screen for a bit the screen will start to flicker and it will get worse and worse and I even had a weird ghost image that lasted past reboot.  Doing some 3d gaming got it to go away after a bit, but its made me a bit cautious.  I have a feeling the issue might be related to Gsync since I noticed that the monitor refresh rate keeps changing while I play this at full screen, doesn't seem to happen in window but I also haven't played much that way.

I tested it and it does really seem like its linked to adaptive sync.  When I turned that off the game ran fine and didn't have any flickering or weirdness.



first of all, I'm really excited for this game, since I love the Gobliiins series. My favorite is the 3rd episode. Blount is hilarious.

I just hope a Mac version will come soon, since I'm trying to play it via ScummVM, but I'm not geek enough to solve the "Character.Animate" error.



how was the state of the Translations, like german?

Guess we have to wait for a german translation, since he already works on Part 6, lol...

Great game, nice memories from the past. Really like 2D style. I hope it will be released on Steam for greater audience.

My only issues with G5 are

1. you must repeat some actions like 3-5 times. you must break all boxes, you must  clean all flowers, you must make all kids happy, you must <action> all <objects> and so on.

2. the lack of classic cooperative puzzles like 1 goblin get a plank while 2nd goblin lifts the safe.

plase add italian!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello Pierre!

As the game was made with AGS, why don't you create a database entry for Gobliiins 5 in the AGS database? That way, you can probably win some AGS Awards next year. 

And also congratulations for releasing the game. I will mention it in my next AGS-article as the headlining game. I will post the URL here when it is online.

So long,


The article has been published!

Here it is with automated translation:

AGS-Highlights 2023 (2) English

And the original in German:

AGS-Highlights 2023 (2)

Very nice! I am a huge fan of the saga! :) Would you be interested in adding Italian to the game?


Thanks for the game, feels really classic and thats what i like.

Bonjour, j'ai lu qu'une version physique est prévue et même des versions consoles Switch, PS et Xbox. Y a-t-il un endroit "officiel" pour suivre l'actualité ?

Looks like a very fun game. We recommended it at 02:15:50 in our last live stream and showed the video trailer for it. Subscription to our YouTube or Twitch channel is welcome. 🙂

I would like to translate the game into Czech. If you are interested send me the texts to translate. I would do it for free.

Loving this game so far. I just finished act 3, and I have a serious bug to report. If you don't perform the actions in the correct order in the final level, you enter an unwinnable state where Morglot is never marked as completely "happy", even though you have performed all the required actions. I restarted the level and went through it a lot more efficiently and "in order" the second time around, and then it works.

Hello! Thank you for your help. This is a problem that we can not reproduce. Are you sure that you did all the actions of the schoolchildren? Could you tell me in what order exactly you do the actions when it doesn’t work at the end? Thank you in advance.   PG

thtats hard to remember since you try  so much "wrong" stuff the first time

(1 edit)

I encountered this problem too.

I tried this act a couple of times. I did finish it today, doing the same things I did before, just skipping dialogues and in order.
I think the problem was with Frippone - I'm not entirely sure, but I think I didn't get the last dialogue, about sitting on the bench. 

I think previously I did not do the things related directly to Morglot's problems in order. I can try to reproduce it, although I don't know if I can retrace my steps. 

Hello Pierre! I ran into the same problem now for the 3rd time (after starting the level all over again), where Oups says young Morglot's problems are now solved but if trying to wake up the adult Morglot, then Oups says "Before waking him up I think I forgot something...".

I have done all required actions with other children but apparently I don't know what is the "correct" order. When young Morglot asked Frippone to sit with him (before using the slingshot on a snake), she declined and now Morglot never asks again.

I gave teddy bear to Frippone before Morglot had used slingshot.

Hello, sorry, this is a problem that we are solving... If you do the actions on the little girl after the other actions on the young Morglott, it should work.   PG

i ran in that state too, did it again the next day (likely in a different order) and i was good. though i have no theory what led to it

Thank you AhikamRo !  An improved version of the English version is being made, these changes will be incorporated.  PG

(1 edit)

Hi, thanks a lot for the game and the whole Goblins legacy.

If I find any bugs I will report them.
A few English wording from level 3 which need fixing:
herby instead of hereby
waht's instead of What's
traiding instead of trading
There was also missing space in a sentence when talking to the guard, I think it was something like "can'tjust"

in the puppet workshop the vise is displayed as "vice" 

Hello, thanks for your help. This is a problem already fixed in the latest version. Sorry Pierre

Great game, hopefully there will be sequels, but I want to point out a glitch:

On the last screen, if you get to the top part and go straight to the boy with the balloon, if you immediately give him the flying device, the end-credits will start straight away, so you will not learn anything about the king and queen.

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